Country Life
IT is recorded in a recent number of The Scotsman that a rook's nest was brought down by workmen pruning trees in the churchyard at Gifford in East Lothian, and that an......
Sir,—does Starvation Promote Clear Thinking? Mr. Frank...
does. But whereas as a prisoner of war he was able, and indeed felt obliged, to remain " motionless for long periods," that is precisely what no wage-earner and no housewife in......
The Spirit Of Service
Sta,—We read with much interest in The Spectator of May 3rd Frank 0. Salisbury's letter on the spirit of service. We should like to draw the attention of your readers in London......
Hunger In Germany
SIR,—Every day now as one reads one's morning correspondence one is filled with an increasing sense of impotent despair. Here are extracts from a, 4 letter just received from an......
First Names
SIR,—As no one else has done so, I venture to call attention to an odd slip made by Mr. Harold Nicolson in his " Marginal Comment " in your issue of May 3rd. He wrote: " No girl......
The People Of Europe Want To Know More About World
affairs and in particular what Britain thinks about them. If you feel THE SPECTATOR correctly interprets the British view, why not take out a subscription for any of your......