17 OCTOBER 1947, page 17

Save Europe Now

SIR, —Save Europe Now is opening its third winter campaign for the relief of Europe. The needs are greater than ever ; millions in Europe will be worse fed this winter even,than......

Mosley Or Shakespeare?

Snt,—Your devastating review of Sir Oswald Mosley's The Alternative filled me with joy. But why should Mosley Publications be allowed to obtain paper to publish such stuff at a......


In My Garden

The garden is full of strangely untimely flowers. I have a Viburnum (Tinus) and a Senna in full flower side by side, and apples are blossom- ing here and there in a good many......

Voluntary Pensions Scheme

Sut,—A considerable number of people with small incomes were induced, in 1937, to join the Voluntary Pensions Scheme and have paid Is. 3d. per week ever since. Under the new......

Multitudinous Life On One Of These Most Lovely Mornings I

tried to make some sort of a census of the little webs that netted the mist. They numbered quite thirty to the square yard on a bit of lawn, and were hardly less numerous on the......

A Memoir Of T. R. Glover Str,—i Have Undertaken To

write a memoir of T. R. Glover, and I shall be most grateful to any of his friends and acquaintances who can loan me letters or furnish me with reminiscences.—Yours faithfully,......

Bee - Masters Every Year Swarms Of Bees Are Lost Through...

ignorance and neglect by bee-keepers ; and it seems that the losses this season in the South- West have been unusually great. Now there was a time (as a Devonshire rector......

Country Life

Oust autumn is well sprinkled with little summers—the Indian summer, followed by St. Luke's and St. Martin's—and the last, beginning on Armistice Day, is especially impressed on......

Pink To Blue On The Still Rather Obscure Reasons Why

a pink flower, especially the hydrangea, often becomes blue, or vice versa, I am informed that the causes were reviewed in the R.H.S. lournal ten years ago. The learned author......