Sir: Richard Lamb Assures Us That Edward Heath Is Correct,
Frank Johnson is wrong and Munich was a disaster. But a disaster for whom? We now know, of course, what Hitler thought of Munich in retrospect (early 1945): 'From the military......
Our Year Of Grace
Sir: Richard Lamb makes some telling points in support of the view that 'Britain and France were far stronger vis-à-vis Hitler in 1938 than in 1939' (Letters, 10 October), but......
Letters Tricks Of Memory
Sir: Simon Hoggart's article about the Troubles (The Thirty Years War', 10 Octo- ber) contained little to surprise regular readers of his Guardian column. In writing about......
Lady Of The Left
Sir: I return to England after a month in France to find that the usual low standards prevail, exemplified by Sion Simon's child- ish abuse quoted by Liz Davies (Letters, 3......
Radio Gaga
Sir: What is wrong with the BBC? Michael Vestey (Arts, 3 October) describes the technical incompetence and perverse rescheduling on Radio Four. I wonder if he has overheard the......