18 APRIL 1885, page 15

Halfpenny Dinners.

[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SLR,—In your comments of the 4th inst. on the Conferencerecently held in London, on the subject of self-supporting cheap meals for school......

"the Bishop Of Rochester's Sumptuary Law.

LTO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, — The Bishop of 'Rochester has a weightier authority than Hans Andersen's tales for his attack on the satin shoes of......

Prose Masterpieces And Mr. Ruskin.

I To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—In your journal for March 7th appeared a discriminating review of our set of "Prose Masterpieces from the Modern Essayists," an......


AMOR IN EXCELSIS. HAD I a heart more like thine own, As warm, and kind, and free,• As firm and fond, thou should'st have known That heart but beat for thee ! But since so pure......


GLENAVE RIL.* Glenaveril is an ambitious attempt to write in the metre and the tone of Don Yuan, and so far as we can judge from the first book, a very poor attempt. First,......