Mobilizing Resources.
It has been suggested, therefore—and indeed it is said that the general principle of the scheme has been discussed by the directors of the Bank of International Settlements—that......
Lack Of Confidence.
One of the outstanding features of the present situation, and one which accounts to some extent for the pro- tracted industrial depression in many centres, is the manner in......
Financial Notes
QUIET MARKETS. THE reassembling of Parliament is seldom regarded as a bull point for the Stock Market/. Aniong other things, it means that the probability is increased - of the......
Finance—public & Private
Financing Industry AN INTERNATIONAL SYNDICATE. IT remains to be seen whether the scheme for the forma- tion of an important International Financial Syndicate, of which reports......
The Anneid Iteport Of The Rio Tinto Capper Company Shows
that there was a shrinkage of no less than 46 per cent. in the working profit for the past year, the total being £1,070,000 against £1,812,000. In these circumstances, although......
Empire Industries.
For those who are desirous of obtaining not only a complete but a very attractive series of statistical works dealing with the manufacturing industries of the British Empire......
Causes Of Timidity.
This, of course, must be regarded as the merest rough outline of an idea rather than of a carefully considered scheme. It is one which unquestionably has its merits and deserves......
- Gold Production. .
In the Annual Report of the Union Corporation some very interesting figures are given of the world's gold output. It is shown that the total output from the Transvaal for 1930......