Snt,—i Read Mr. Lockley's Article On Rabbits With...
the experience which all forestry people have of rabbits, I admit readily they are an unmitigated curse both to forestry and agriculture. I admit also that, where warrening is......
Russian Science
SIR,—Your correspondent, I. M. Billik, in criticising the article Russian Science, by Dr. Trevor I. Williams, appears to be seriously mistaken in his facts. The Russian......
Bank Holiday Crowding
SIR,—I have just returned from a Bank Holiday week-end, and suffered with others the usual discomforts of overcrowding and delay which nowadays accompany such occasions. Are not......
World Freedom From Want
SIR,—In your admirable article of 28/3/47, Trade Targets, there is just one point I would query. It was stated therein that the standard of living of all Asiatic peoples can and......
Religious Dogma
SIR, --Canon Marcus Knight's interesting review of Miss Dorothy Sayers's Creed or Chaos? is the first attempt that I have seen to face what is perhaps the most pressing dilemma......
Rabbit Traps
Sta,—I do not propose to discuss the ethics of using steel traps, but if R. M. Lockley is trying to tell as that their use leads to an increase in rabbits, then he is just......
Criticism And Faith
SIR,—With all respect, I cannot feel that the correspondence columns of The Speciator are an appropriate place in which to discuss in detail the composition and recruitment of......