Spectator Crossword No. 988
ACROSS 29 I There's something amiss in the wager, note that! (6) 30 4 An outing? Rather! for all three of us (8). 10 With this the hours go by with a bang (4-3). 11 Valerian is......
Solution Of No. 986 Across.—i Pallets. 5 Perkins. 9 Contort.
10 Outrage. 11 Stephenson, 12 Peal. 13 Col. 14 Love-in-a-mist. 17 Stage waggon, 19 Sad. 20 Orbs, 22 Pink- tipped. 26 Foam', 27 Thirdly, 28 RomillY, 29 Hurry up. DOWN.-1 Pacts. 2......
Cynical Definitions
'Programme: any assignment that can't be completed by one telephone call.' Competitors were asked to contribute lists of six definitions of this cynical nature dealing with......
Every Girl Should Have A Brother Called John; They Have
such nice shoulders for crying on. (Ogden Nash) Competitors are invited to indicate, in not more than four lines of verse, the implicatiims of an,' other Christian name, male or......