18 APRIL 1992, page 26


Doubtful beneficiaries Sir: Your paean for Professor Hayek ('A heroic life', 28 March) so moved me that I felt it deserved a wider distribution, partic- ularly among those who......

Rosy Memory

Sir: Paul Johnson's weekly pastiche of blimp clichés is often delightfully subver- sive. But was the dear old Empire really red on maps (And another thing, 10 April)? 1 remember......

Sir: Robert Brenton Betts Is, In My Humble Opinion, The

gentleman in error. To the best of my knowledge, the 'doggerel' does in fact refer to the Lowells, the old Boston family which produced (among others) the poet Robert Lowell.......

Diary Tactics

Sir: Keith Waterhouse (Diary, 14 March) asks what the policy of Spectator readers is on removing the names of dead persons from their address books. For what it is worth, mine......

Juicy Fry-up

Sir: I am a little surprised that the editor of Cosmopolitan should know so little about the 'grisly trade' in placentas produced by Russia's wholesale abortions but sympa-......

Poor Defence

Sir: The Revd Anthony Symondson SJ states that he initiated a process of reform at the Converts' Aid Society during the time in which he acted as secretary, 1966-8 (Letters, 4......

Talking To God

Sir: While reluctant to contradict a fellow American in the correspondence columns of a foreign publication (Letters, 4 April), Robert Brenton Betts is in error when he says......