The Spelling Of English
[To the Editor of THE Sei•:crATohl SIR,—Thanks to you, Sir, for the insertion of the article on the spelling of English, and to Professor Gilbert Murray for the considerate and......
Where Peace Once Was
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sra,—It was so poignant to read my own description of Tossa as it was when I left it in April. What irony ! Here are extracts from two letters......
"things To Come
[To the Editor of THE SPEcraToa.] Sin,—I hope I am not being unduly spiteful if I express the - hope that one of these days Mr. Michael Roberts may in person learn something of......
Is Germany Preparing War?
- [To the Editor of Tim SPECTATOR.] Snt,—Herr R. Kircher has published an answer to my letter in your issue of NoveMber 20th. I do not think that in The view of any English......