Literary News.
A reprint of the works - of Robert Greene and George Peele, edited by the Reverend Alexander Three, with many corrections and additions, IS now in the press, and will be......
The past week has been barren of musical matter. At the Royal English Opera, Wallace's Lurline will be produced in a few days. Having been present at one of the rehearsals, we......
S42 Tpralus.
As the pantomime grows older, Mr. Smith of Drury Lane endeavours to increase his attractive force by strengthening the introductory part of his entertainment. Mr. Charles Dillon......
Fin Arts.
THE ARCHITECTURAL PROT2GRAPIEIC ASSOCIATION. There are few better applications of photography made than in archi- tecture. As a faithful sketcher in of detail no eye could ever......
Neiman Timarsicans.
The aggregate amount of the receipts of the places of public amuse- ment at Paris, during last January, was 1,880,968 francs, 44 cents, being an increase of 173,623 francs, 54......