The Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, 1920-1950. By...
H. D. Chaplin. . (Michael Joseph, 25s.) ONE of the regular battalions of The Queen's Own played an important part in the Palestine disturbances of 1938-39—an instance of that......
The Son Of A Dublin Bricklayer, Christy Brown Was Born
in 1932 with an injury to his brain which so damaged his power of movement that, till he was eighteen, he could not even sit norm- ally, nor use his hands nor articulate words.......
Chinese Calligraphy. By Chiang Yee. Second - Edition,...
preface by Sir Herbert Read. (Methuen, 30s.) WHEN the first edition of Chinese Calligraphy appeared, Sic Herbert Read tells us, he was Immediately struck by its significance for......
Miss Ferrier's Book Is A Pleasant Well- Written Essay On
the development of prose fiction from the Arthurian legends to the Heptameron of Marguerite of Navarre. These fifteenth-century stories, as she says, are cast 'in a rigid and......
Sir Reginald Coupland Began Work On A Sur- Vey Of
nationalism in the British Empire; before getting into his subject he had thought it neces- sary to begin with a study of nationalism in Great Britain itself, and this book, on......