18 JANUARY 1957, page 24
Dark On A Dark Horse
Fr IF. HAND OF A STRANGER (Journal d'un htconnu). By Jean Cocteau. Translated by Alec Brown. (Elek Books, 17s. 6d.) rOWARDS the end of this book, M. Cocteau writes that it is 'a......
The Silver Age
THis is Dr. Waley's nineteenth volume, and has all his familiar virtues : profound scholarship lightly wOrn, wit, wisdom, a deliciously grave sense of the absurd, all expressed......
Victorian Diplomatist
THE BIRTH OF ROWLAND: An Exchange of Letters in 1865 between Robert Lytton and his Wife. Edited by Lady Emily Lutyens. (Hart-Davis, 25s.) • ONE of the most amusing of the......