18 JANUARY 1992, page 24


Sir: Denis Hills, reviewing Pamela Scott's account of settler life in Kenya (Books, 11 January), says that during cattle branding/castration 'a helping herdsman would sometimes......


Sir: Though I am distinctly older than either Andrew Devonshire or Johnnie Buc- cleuch, I cannot recall the self-confessedly snobbish Simon Courtauld (`To Sir or not to Sir', 4......

Sir: Some Time Ago When Gretel Beer And I Were

younger working women, we went alone to Sweeting's restaurant in the city. All the waiters called us both 'Sir' as no other alternative seemed to exist for them. Julia Lymington......

Forms Of Address

Sir: Deborah Boehm's article (`The garbled phrase as frozen music', 4 January) made me reach for my address book, bought in Suzuka several years ago. On the cover, a cat is......

Sir: Geoffrey Wheatcroft Is Entitled To Ped- Dle His...

line of being nasty to Richard Strauss, but he really shouldn't trot out the old chestnut of Toscanini's remark: `To Strauss the composer I take off my hat: to Strauss the man I......

Turkish Delight

Sir: Michael Bloch's article 'Forbidden pleasures' (21/28 December 1991) revived a deep longing for the smell of a Sullivan Powell. I too used to buy mine from Bacon's in......

Of Transcending Average

Sir: In his thoughtful and interesting review of Fred K. Prieberg's book, Trial of Strength: Wilhelm Purim:Mgler and the Third Reich (4 January), Geoffrey Wheatcroft cites......

Sir: Now 60, I Have Long Used 'sir' For Strangers

over 30, who usually return it. The tiny courtesy works delightfully, often leading to the stranger, if asked for an address, to take you to it personally. The result is as......

Helping Hand

Sir: Would any of your readers like to join me in setting up a fund to ensure that Auberon Waugh realises his ambition to reside in Switzerland, permanently (Anoth- er voice, 11......