Objections To Disestablishment.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE 41 SPECTATOR."] Si it,—In consideration of your numerous readers, for whose benefit, of course, this correspondence is published, I ask you to admit the......
" Windmill " Magistrates And Colonial Governors.
[FROM A CORRESPONDENT.] THE members of the Upper House or Legislative Council of New South Wales are nominated for life by the Governor, not elected, like those of Victoria and......
The Reporters' Gallery In The New House Of Commons.
[To THE: EDITOR OF TIIE "SPECTATOR."] Stmt,—In reference to the very important subject so ably treated in your last number under the head of "The House of Commons and the......
Born Princesses.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your last number you found fault with Lord Mahnesbury for calling a recent event in the Royal Family the birth of a Princess, instead......