Oxonian Spat
Sir: 'There is a phrase in German that has its uses,' declares Professor Norman Stone (`By land, sea and air — eventually', 4 June), 'Gott wird nicht verspottet: which means,......
Crossed Line
Sir: The digital nature of our genetic codes does not disprove a life force (`The tele- phone exchange of life', 11 June). It could simply be the way the life force expresses......
White Notes
Sir: How ridiculous of CSH in his Portrait of the Week (11 June) to write that the trumpeter Red Rodney was unusual in the jazz profession in being white. Not only have there......
Letters Big Is Bad
Sir: John Simpson engages in a now well- established practice of seeking to drum up support for 'Europe' by ignoring the guts of the question and by focusing on secondary......
The Bottom Line
Sir: Tony Scotland need not resort to Tas- mania's 'middle-class anti-transportation- ist' past (whatever that is), in order to explain why some Tasmanians are opposed to......
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