18 MARCH 1893, page 1

M. Ribot Has Declared In Strong Terms His Confidence In

M. Loubet, who was at the time of Madame Cotta's visit M. Soinomy's superior ; but he has at last been attacked himself on grounds which he only rebuts by pleading patriotism.......

News Of The Week.

M R. GLA.DSTO NE evidently finds i t hard to remember that he is not as young as he used to be, and ought to take more precautions against chills at eighty-three than he has......

The French Government Is Still Suffering From The Panama...

On Saturday, Madame Cottn, wife of the director recently sentenced, was examined in the Assize Court, and testified that in the beginning of this year a man named Goliard asked......

Mr. Cleveland Has Expressed To An Interviewer His...

await the Session of Congress in December before he pro- poses his plans. The friends of silver are, he believes, at present too obstinate to hear reason. He expects, however,......

The German Parties Have Not Yet Come To A Vote

on the Army Bill, and though the Committee which represents them is more hostile than ever, that Committee consists of picked Members. The question is how the rank-and-file will......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
