18 MAY 1839, page 12

The Chronicle This Morning Commences Its First Leading...

" We continue to till our columns with accounts from all parts of the country of the popular demonstrations at the deliverance of our Queen from ti e Tories, and the prospects......

" We Are Glad To See That The Reformers In

Marylebone have come to the determinatiou to unite in supporting two candidates, to be named by the tee general bodies associated for the promotion of Liberal......

Two Chartist Delegates, Brown And Fussell, Were Arrested...

ham on Thursday night ; and, after an examination by the Magistrates, Brown, for whom bail could not be procured, was sent to Warwick Gaol, charged with using language tending......

Orders Were Received At Woolwich From The Master General Of

the Ordnance, for a troop of the horse brigade of the Royal Artillery at Woolwich to march on Monday for Bristol, in consequence of the Chartist disturbances. Accordingly, the A......

Prince Napoleon Louis Bonaparte Has Sent A Letter To The

newspapers, denying that he is in any way responsible for the insurrection in Paris. The Prince says- " The intelligence of the bloody scenes which took place has caused me its......

Iscellaur O Us.

Earl Powis, who died on Thursday, in his eighty-sixth year, was Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire, Recorder of Shrewsbury and of Lud- low, and one of the most powerful supporters of......

Music, Fine Arts. And Other Matters Ttnnychla:* . ,...

pops by want of room, will meet with ample attention in or.at number.......

The Announcement On Thursday By The Bank Of Their...

to raise the rate of interest to five per cent., has no doubt been anticipated by all reflecting persons ; for the state of the exchanges, and the rapid diminution of the amount......

On Monday Evening, On His Return From The House Of

Commons, Sir Robert Peel was followed by a great crowd of respectable persons, who cheered him. On turning into Whitehall Gardens, the Right Honour- able Baronet bowed, when he......


SATURDAY. The Paris letters of Thursday mention a telegraphic despatch an- nouncing the capture by Espartero of "the fort and hill position of Guadamino," with 300 prisoners.......

Election Talk.

On Monday evening, a numerous meeting of the Marylebone Re- form Association adopted the following resolutions, unanimously- " That in the existing state of parties in the......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTYRYOOX At the usual weekly meeting of the Bank Directors, held yesterday, it we determined to increase the rate of discount to 5/. per cent.; and......