18 MAY 1850, page 10


SATURDAY. "Paris, May 14.—I had the honour to announce to you yesterday that the Council had deliberated upon the reply of the English Cabinet to the demand that you had been......

Last Night's Gazette Notifies That The Queen Has...

Reverend Richard Dawes, M.A., to the Deanery of the Cathedral Church of Hereford, void by the death of Dr. John Merewether, late Dean thereof. We understand a commissim is about......

The Berlin Conference Of Princes, On The 13th Instant,...

that a Ministry be nominated for the Erfurt Bund, and that Prussia should ap- point it : two Ministers were thought enough for the present, and M. Schkinitz, the Prussian......

The Subject Of The French Dispute Was Foremost In Both

Houses of Par- liament last night. Lord BROUGHAM took up the matter betimes in the House of Lords ;—with uplifted hand waving back an officer with a mes- sage from the Commons ;......

Money Market.

STOCK EXIDIANOR FRIDAIr AY/1311N0011. A startling effect was produced here this morning by the intelligence of the recall of the French Ambassador. A considerable fall has......

Principal House Os Commons Business .p011 Next Wrns....

23. Supply: Mr. Anstey to make a motion on the subject of the. Adulteration of Coffee, Ike. . Elections (Ireland) Bill: Third reading. Railways Abandonment Bill: as amended to......