The Neutrality Proclamation.
(From the London Gazette of May 14.) Vicronis R.—Whereas we are happily at peace with all sovereigns, powers, and states. And whereas hostilities have unhappily commenced......
'DIE House of Lords sat a very short time, chiefly that the Royal assent might be given to severalibills. In the House of Commons last night, Sir ROBE= PEEL called attention to......
A. Telegram From 'constantinople, May 16, Viii Paris, Says :
" Omar Pasha left to-day for Kustendje, 'bearer of a conciliatory proclamation promising a reduction of the taxes and a remission of all arrears. It further grants the right of......
TEE day of the forthcoming Wimbledon prize meeting is altered from the 1st, to Thursday, the 4th of July. "It appears from authentic documents," says the Pastrie, "that France......