The Dictionary Of Photography. By E. J. Wall. (hazell,...
and Co.)—This is a book of information intended for the "amateur and professional photographer," and conveniently arranged in alphabetical order. The practiser of the art could......
English Writers : An Attempt Towards A History Of English.
Litera- ture. By Henry Morley. Vols. I.-IV. (Cassell and Co.)—In 1864, Professor Morley published a work, or rather part of a work, having the same title as the volumes now......
English Prose, From Lifaundevills To Thackera J. (walter...
book of selections, which, as "chosen and edited" by Mr. Arthur Galton, has been added to the "Camelot Series" of Mr. Walter Scott, is a sufficiently judicious compilation, and......
Crane Court. By A. M. Monro. (griffith, Farmn, Okeden, And
Welsh.)—This is a harmless though rather spun-out story of English country-house life, with its indolence, its simple pleasures—simple, at all events, where that life is not......
Current Literature.
The Vasty Deep. By Stuart Cumberland. (Sampson Low and Co.)—Parts of this story are evidently designed as burlesque exaggeration, and it is not always easy to know where the......
The Brotherhood Of Letters. By Rogers Rees. (elliot...
a gossip about books, Mr. Rees has done some pleasant work, and readers acquainted with "The Pleasures of a Bookworm" cannot but have a kindly feeling towards the writer. It is......
Chinese Travellers In Western Asia In The Middle Ages.*
DR. BRETSCHNEIDER, who for some years held the post of physician to the Russian Legation at Pekin, has long been favourably known to Orientalists as a diligent and acute......