Francis And Dominic, And The Mendicant Orders. By John...
D.D. (T. and T. Clark. 3s.)—In this book (a volume of "The World's Epoch-Makers" series) Professor Herk less bolds an even balance with commendable success. He appreciates the......
The Plea Of Pan. By Henry Nevinson. (john Murray. 68.
net.)—Here we have an introduction (which, as far as we can seo, introduces us to nothing) and four allegorical pieces,—the vaguest word available seems to suit them best. There......
The Human Nature Club. By Edward Thorndike, Ph.d....
Co. 6s.)—Dr. Thorndike, who is a lecturer on "Genetic Philosophy" in an American University, has put this "Introduction to the Study of Mental Life" into dialogue form, and has......
A Defence Of The King's Protestant Declaration. By Walter...
(Swan Sonnenschein and Co. ls.)—From one point of view Mr. Waleh's argument is a strong one. He shows that the Romanists have no idea of reciprocity when they make their......
Shakespeare Not Bacon. By Francis P. Gervais. (unicorn...
Mr. Gervais builds his argument on certain phenomena of handwriting, annotation, &c., to be seen in the copy of Florio's translation of Montaigne's essays. Of course the......
The Parish And Its Bounds. (berney And Son, Croydon.)— Our
notice of this little pamphlet comes too late, we fear, to serve its purpose this year. Ascensiontide, the right season for the perambulation of parish bounds, is close upon us......
Laity In Counct By Lay Members Of The Anglican Com-
munion. (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co.)—These fourteen "Essays on Ecclesiastical and Social Problems" indicate, as might be expected, considerable divergencies of opinion. Mr.......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] The May - Book. Compiled by Mrs. Aria. (Macmillan and Co 10s.......