18 NOVEMBER 1871, page 1

Mr. Winterbothatn's Speech Was Very Honorific To The...

he has joined. "lie thought the praise due to the present Ministry might be spoken not unfitly by him, be- cause whatever praise it deserved, he had no share in it from having......

The Compilers Of Bulletins From Versailles Have Been...

all the week with contradictory telegrams about the monetary crisis. The Bank is and is not to double its capital ; is and is not to issue small notes ; is and is not to exceed......

The Latest Rumour From France Is That On The Opening

of the next Session in December, M. Thiers will propose that the Re- public shall be definitively proclaimed, and a written constitution adopted with himself as head of the......

News Of The Week.

T HE Lord Chief Justice (Sir A. Cockburn) has, says the Times of Monday, sent the Prime Minister " a protest" against the appointment of Sir R. Collier to the Privy Council by......

Mr. Fortescue Then Went On To Speak Of Irish Disaffection,

and to insist that in resisting the repeal of the Union, we must give the Irish no excuse for saying that we do not consult the wishes of Irishmen as to Irish legislation.......

Count Beust, In A Farewell Speech To His Friends, Admits

that he was dismissed and quitted his great post unwillingly, and a tele- gram of Thursday affirms that there is great difficulty in keeping the new Ministry together. There is......

The Colston Anniversary Speeches Came Off At Bristol On...

Mr. Chichester Fortescue and Mr. Wiuterbotham both speaking at the dinner of the Anchor Society (the Liberal Society). After giving a very flourishing account of British trade,......

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