18 NOVEMBER 1882, page 24

Sensation And Pain. By C. F.taylor, M.d. (putnam's Sons, New

York, 1881.)—This book is an interesting lecture on Sensation and Pain, in which much emphasis is laid upon the distinctions between objectively caused pain and emotional pain,......

The Adelphoe Of Terence : The Phorntio Of Terence. By

W. Wagner, Ph.D. (Deighton, Bell, and Co., Cambridge).—These are two more of the handy reprints from Dr. Wagner's edition which we noticed some weeks ago. They form part of the......

Crristalls Car96.—now That So Much Artistic Work Is...

Christmas Cards, and that their production has attained its present proportion, it is impossible to overlook or ignore them, however much we may personally rebel against them as......

Magazines, Etc.—we Have Received The Following For...

of Mark, the subjects of the photographs and biographies being F. Hall, A.R.A. ; C. T. Newton, C.B., D.C.L. ; and 3. MacWhirter, A.R.A., H.R.S.A.—The Antiquarian Magazine—Col-......

Poetry For Children, Selected By E. A. Helps, Part Ii.

(G. Bell), designed for young people between ten and twelve years of age, follows well in the wake of a former series as a class book. • The poems chosen deal mostly with......