The Italians In Tripoli.
[To THE EDITOR 01? THE "SPECTATOR.") you allow me to enter the strongest protest in your columns against the altogether unwarrantable and peculiarly deplorable calumnies against......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator.") Sir,—i Have No Desire
that you should insert this letter in the Spectator ; I am merely writing to ask you to give a definite statement of your views as to the origin of Church property in connexion......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator. ") Sir,—dr. Dugald...
an interesting letter in your issue of Nov. 11th. The writer's intentions are so obviously good that it is impossible to wish to quarrel with him, but there is one point......
[to Trh Editor Or Sir "spectator. "] Sir,—i Have No Desire
to carry on a controversy with an editor—especially a courteous and generous editor—in his own paper, but questions of fact are more easily dealt with than questions of opinion.......