The Eec Jamboree
Sir: The more I learn about Fanfare for Europe the more I don't know whether to laugh or to cry! First we have Lords Goodman and Mancroft assuring us that these cultural,......
In And Out Of Prison
From Mrs S. Robin Letwin Sir: We should all be grateful to the high-minded Sunday Times for letting Denis Healey bring us such good news this week. He has gone to China and......
Touchy Workers
Sir: Terry Pitt, like all good Transport House men, thinks it improper to talk about militants in the unions. Never mind. One shouldn't expect the workers and their apologists......
Money Supply
Sir: "We utterly reject the philosophy of compulsory wage control." So the Conservative Party proudly announced in its 'A Better Tomorrow.' It was a view generally ascribed to......
Englishman's Word
Sir: Why G. L. Bayliss in Canada (Letters, September 9) should expect English firms td send him books on credit is a mystery. No Australian firm would. The days when book buyers......
Adam Von Trott
Sir: Such is the vanity of human wishes that even Mr David Astor (Letters, October 14) after his diatribe against my most recent article in The Spectator (October 7), may still......