18 NOVEMBER 1989, page 25

Better In France

DO IT again and get it right. Nuclear fission has now blown such a hole in the plans for privatising electricity that there is no sensible choice but to tear them up and make......

Banana Justice

THE spirit of Mr Justice Cocklecarrot now hangs over justice in the City. All we lack is Honeyweather Gooseboot QC cross- examining 12 red-bearded dwarves. Failing that, I......

Nought For Your Comfort

MY machine prints decimal points like this 000 to distinguish them from full stops . . . and of course from noughts 000 or capital 000s or small 000s. So I tried to say last......

City And Suburban

The paymasters of Europe stand back and send the bills to Germany CHRISTOPHER FILDES I t is a pleasure in these astounding times to watch the markets trying, like the rest of......