D Igby A Nderson The Sydney Horler Omnibus Of Excitement...
Horler (Hodder & Stoughton. Charity shop 50p). Arthur Mee’s Book of the Flag: Island and Empire by Arthur Mee (Hodder & Stoughton, 1941. Charity shop 60p, originally 12s 6d).......
P Hilip H Ensher Top Of My List Are Two Impressive Lives
of composers, or half-lives; the second volume of Stephen Walsh’s life of Stravinsky (Cape, £30), and the first volume of John Tyrrell’s life of Janacek (Faber, £60). Tyrrell’s......
D Avid C Rane I Suspect It’s Going To Be Another 99
years before most people can face another word on Nelson, but for anyone looking the other way in October 2005 the paperback version of Tim Clayton’s and Phil Craig’s vivid and......
J Ane G Ardam My First Favourite Book This Year Is Nature’s
Engraver: A Life of Thomas Bewick by Jenny Uglow (Faber, £20), a definitive biography with dozens of tiny, marvellous illustrations of Bewick; woodcuts reproduced with......
L Loyd E Vans Books Of The Year? Always A Dilemma. Do
you confess your true reading experience or do you pretend you’ve absorbed a sizeable fraction of the new stuff while maintaining your weekly quotas of Augustan poetry, German......
A Ndrew T Aylor If I Had Been A Booker Judge, David
Mitchell’s Black Swan Green (Sceptre, £16.99) would have been high on my shortlist: a stammering boy grows up in a Worcestershire village against the background of the Falklands......
R Aymond C Arr The Most Stimulating History Book I Have Read
this year is Niall Ferguson’s The War of the World (Penguin, £25). Its subtitle, ‘History’s Age of Hatred’, indicates its subject: the inhumanity of man to man, beginning with......