18 OCTOBER 1873, page 14
(to Th8 Editor Op Trh "spxotkrop..")
SIR, —Any person who has a clear mathematical idea of the doc- trine of chances, knows that no possible system of play can in the slightest degree affect the result at any game......
The Agricultural Labourers.
[TO THR EDITOR OP TEl " &ROTATOR:1 Slit,—A question of subordinate importance has risen into some- prominence, viz. :—" What can the Clergy do ? " Mr. Temple seems certainly to......
The Fallacies Of Gamblers.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR...) Sin,—Of course, la huitieme decompose'e, or the octoscheme and martingale, is a groundless illusion, as you show in your article on "The......