We Have No Patience To Deal With Mr. Lloyd George's
ridiculous assertion that land is kept uncultivated in the interests of game. We are no defenders of bloated game preserves, but there is no question that instead of game......
No Doubt The Clearances Were Often Conducted With A Want
of consideration and good feeling which we should now deplore, but that emigration, whether enforced or not, was the only thing to save the Highlanders from a famine such as......
A Word Must Be Said As To The Report Of
the Land Inquiry Committee published on Wednesday. Mr. Lloyd George's invective about turnip-eating pheasants and peasant-eating landlords, and his tawdry rhetoric about making......
Equally Preposterous Was Mr. Lloyd George's Suggestion...
of the splendid soil of England are wil- fully left uncultivated. To prove his point he artfully com- pared us to Denmark, Belgium, and Holland, flat countries whose......
What, Then, Is The Remedy ? The Remedy Is To
knock off the existing chains on agriculture and not to impose more; to leave it freer, not to add more restraints. The first thing to do is to free it from the special taxation......
We May Pick Out Another Of Mr. Lloyd George's Rhetorical
follies. The effect of his speech was to lead his hearers to suppose that the rural cottages of England are the most rotten and miserable hovels in the world, and that the Con-......
Finally, The Great Tl3ing To Remember Is That In The
last resort there is one, and only one, sound way of increasing the price of any commodity, whether it be fresh eggs or labour, and that is to increase the demand for it. What......
We Have Said Something Elsewhere About The Specific Pro-...
made by Mr. Lloyd George's Land Inquiry Committee, and especially as to the scheme for a minimum wage, and to those proposals we shall return again. We may, however, note the......
Land, Says Mr. Lloyd George, Is A Monopoly, Just Like
a monopoly created by a patent. But the piesent Govern- ment in its wisdom, when Mr. Lloyd George was at the Board of Trade, carried through Parliament a clause declaring that......