18 OCTOBER 1986, page 25

Red Vests

Sir: Anthony Daniels's examination of alternative medicine ('Why I don't feel well', 20 September) mentions the advice given in The Seven Levels of Healing, 'wear red......

Letters Taxing The Poll

Sir: My warmest admiration for your con- cept of polling the lop people' (The Spectator Poll, 11 October). This should provide us with great enjoyment and amusement as the......

The Borings' Move

Sir: Your readers may be aware that Stephen Gardiner and Christopher Knight, the architects of the new home for Sir John Baring at Stratton Park, instituted libel Proceedings......

Philip Larkin

Sir: Philip Larkin's death at the end of last year was a deep grief to his family, his friends, to other poets and to librarian colleagues. But many who knew him only through......

The Spectator

SUBSCRIBE TODAY — At 20 0 /D off the Cover Price! Please enter a subscription to The Spectator I enclose my cheque for f (Equivalent SUS & Eurocheques accepted) RATES: 12 Months......