18 SEPTEMBER 1886, page 24

Colonel Cheswick's Campaign. By Flora L. Shaw. 3 Vols....

mans, Green, and Co.) —Accident has delayed, far too long, our notice of this very interesting, very clever, and very unique novel, which deserves, but does not require, full......

Effie Ogilvie. By Mrs. Oliphant. (macmillan.)—the...

depends on the careful analysis of a simple girl's heart. We should almost doubt whether any girl could be quite so inexperienced and innocent as Mrs. Oliphant's heroine. No......

That Most Distressful Country. By E. C. Boyse. 3 Vols.

(F. V: White and Co.)—This novel reminds us, in a way, of "Lorna Doone." Not that the incidents are in the least the same, or even tint there is any marked resemblance between......

Gardens Of Light And Shade. Bf " G. S. C." (elliot

Stock.)—The tempting title and appearance of this book, which indulges in affecta- tions of type and elaborate photographic illustration, led us to think that we might have got......

The Silver Dial. By Mary C. Rowell. 3 Vols. (swan

Sonnen- schein and Co.)—This is a tale of Strasburg in the sixteenth century, and the authoress has succeeded in putting before us a lively picture of the active life of the......