School Books.
In the excellent series of "Arnold's School Shakespeare," under the general editorship of Mr. J. Churton Collins (E. Arnold), we have The Life and Death of King John, edited by......
Florence Et La Toscane. Par Euene Miintz. (hachette At Cie.)
Miintz tells us that his object has been to go to the Tuscan towns, which are seldom now visited by the tourist, who hurries by them in the train. This thick quarto, profusely......
A Nineteenth Century Miracle. By Louis Zangwill. (chatto...
Zangwill makes fools of his readers with fair success. Mr. Robert Ashfield is swept off the deck of a steamer into the sea, and his body is found at the same hour in a London......
Spenser's Ferris Queens. (g. Allen.)—this Part Completes...
by Mr. Walter Crane. The last number contains an introduction by Mr. J. T. Wise. The parts will make, when put together, a fine and beautiful reprint of the great poem.......
Publications Of The Week.
Boothby (0 ), Sheila Macleod, or 8vo (Skeffington) 6/0 Brown (H.), Economics, Anesthetics, and Antiseptics in Practice of Mid- wifery, 12mo (Churchill) 2/6 Cook (E. V. and B.......