19 APRIL 1862, page 5

A New Ironside.

"I HAVE sent a rough sketch of Hollins's celebrated gunboat — the Manassas or Turtle—taken from the descriptions of intelligent persons in Columbus who have Seen her. She is......

Topics Of The Day.

THE ITALIAN DEBATE. George Bowyer is an unconscious Christian. He doubtless thought last Friday night that he was exalt- ing priestly power, helping despots back to their......


Subscriptions to the " FRIEND or Junta," and " OVERLAND FRIEND or INDIA," will be received by Mr. A. E. Galloway, at No. 1, Wellington-street, Strand, London. Terms : Per Annum,......

The Week At Home.

PoniTicaL.—Mr. Cobden has addressed a letter to Mr. Ashworth, president of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, expounding his ideas on maritime law. He considers that three......


The foltowing telegrams have been received at Mr. Reuter's office: THE MEXICAN INTERVENTION. Madrid, Wednesday. Ix is asserted that should the French troops enter the city of......