19 APRIL 1902, page 16

Sir William Harcourt And Lord Milner. To Tue Editor Of

TILE "SPECTATOR."J Siu,—The speech of Sir William Harcourt in the House of Commons on Monday night contains a misstatement of fact to which attention ought to be called.......


IN HUGHENDEN CHURCHYARD. Or that lone, sphinx-like life here read the end: In Eastern sunshine, 'neath the grassy sod, Lies the strange chieftain, where his beeches bend,......

Farmers And Parsons.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I make a few remarks on the very fair and moderate article, " Farmers and Parsons," in which you, in the Spectator of April 5th,......


TOMMY CORNSTALK.* THE slangy title of Mr. Abbott's volume hardly prepares the reader for the peculiar excellence of what is by far the most attractive and informing book yet......

A Correction.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—May I be allowed to point out a mistake made by your reviewer in his note on " University Magazines," by H. C. Marillier P He says that......