Finance And Investment
By " CUSTOS " IT is tempting just now to say that the Budget shadow is stealing across the stock markets. So it is, but it is no .ise pretending that this is the only or the......
Company Meeting
ROLLS RAZOR LIMITED THE twelfth annual general meeting of Rolls Razor Limited was held on April 15th at 255-289, Cricklewood Broadway, London. Colonel Sir Thomas A. Poison,......
Cable And Wireless Dividend
War conditions, it seems, have not been unfavourable to the Cable and Wireless combine. At least, that is the im- pression one gets from this week's dividend announcements.......
Treasury Requisitioning Policy
Rather sooner than had been expected the Treasury has made its second call on holders of dollar securities. The latest list is longer than the first and includes most of the......
Profits And E.p.t.
We shall not have to wait much longer for light on Excess Profits Tax darkness which now envelops the prospec ts (Continued on page 580) FINANCE AND INVESTMENT (Continued from......