Sir: I Just Wish To Express My Sympathy With Miss
Wyatt's views about Italians. They are absolutely correct, as any Italian would confirm in a private conversation. Publicly, particularly if you are an ambassador, the stance is......
Not Long Enough
Sir: If S. Runciman (Books, 12 April) is to succeed A. Forbes, he must not only criti- cise others' name-dropping, he must length- en his sentences. Christopher Taylor 5 Park......
Sticking To The Plan
Sir The correspondence with Alice von Schlieffen points to a matter far more important than the military details of the events of August and September 1914. One does not have to......
Out Of Character
Sir: I am writing on behalf of Mr Victor Herman, who has on occasions helped me, voluntarily, by playing the bagpipes at func- tions that I have organised for students here. I......