0 Venezia!
SIR,—II seems churlish to answer back so kind a reviewer as Mr. Christopher Sykes, but because I am quite childishly proud of my book Venice I cannot resist reassuring him that......
Into The Rough
SIR,—! think Mrs. Herbert might find it difficult to show that there is a correlation between criminalitY and nursery schools, but in any case, she seems to have an......
The Road From Billericay Sir,—yet Another Example Of The...
Spectator line of giving the Labour Party ostensibly impartial advice that is suspiciously favourable to the policies and interests of the small group of Labour MPs who happen......
The Proms
SIR.—Mr. Pirouet asks me a question to which I hope you will allow me to reply. 'Would I', he asks, 'criticise an anthology of poetry after reading 75 per cent, of it?' The......
Rome And Cartilage
SIR,—In your issue of August 12, Mr. M. I. Finley demurs at Mr. Warmington's description of the final destruction of Carthage in 146 tic as 'a truly tragic event' and of......
Box Of Tricks
SIR,—The cabaret on 'the former premises of a horse butcher' mentioned in Mr. Michael's article 'Box of Tricks' must be Le Cheval d'Or. It certainly has not disappeared. As the......
Sir,—may I Add A Note To Clarify My Meaning Since
Miss Elias, with whose views I have great sympathy, seems to be blurring the issue. I share her concern for the loss of mystique in Zionism and the pre- occupation with purely......