Educated Fools
From Dr P.G. Urben Sir: The least effectual and less learned denizens of academe love to contrast the mediaeval purities of gentlemanly educa- tion with today's vocationalism......
Aided By The Printer
From Mr Richard Clayton Sir: I think I can offer a clue to the high sales figures (something like half a million) for Tony Parsons's novel Man and Boy (`Babe friendly', 15......
Marching With The Emperor
From Mr Kevin Winstain Sir: Just before I opened my latest issue of The Spectator I had been looking through Have You Anything to Declare? by Maurice Baring (published in 1936).......
Club Rules
From Mr E.G. Wells Sir: Leo Cooper (Letters, 5 August) is mis- taken in confining membership of the Royal Automobile Club to proles. The RAC is flourishing because many VIPs can......
A Dome Supporter
From Mr Roger Simpson Sir: Week after week your writers deride the Dome at Greenwich, and it is about time you stopped your carping. It has its short- comings but it is not......
Stendhal's General
From Mr David Nicholls Sir: Does it not behove the relativism of our age that Leo McKinstry On defence of treason', 12 August) should see fit to ask `Where is the shame, in......