Sir: Jo Grimond (Notebook, 5 February) says that the Tate Gallery has long exceeded its optimum size. He should, then, protest against the Clore Gallery (Turner Museum and Tate......
Letters From The Front
Sir: I am compiling an anthology of letters written home from battlefields since 19 00 . All letters will be treated with respect and returned. Annette Tapert 39 Moore Park......
Unreliable sources Sir: Mrs Thatcher's government appears determined to win the race against time with the late George Orwell. The Lord Chancellor's Department is maintaining,......
Natural Break
Sir: Since Peregrine Worsthorne used most of last week's Notebook to castigate a newspaper article he found 'wholly misleading', it was odd that he should devote his closing......
Numbers Game
Sir: Comment is free; facts are sacred. Ac- cording to my Bible the Fourth Command - ment requires the keeping of the seventh day as a Holy day. But perhaps Mr Waugh (12......
Sir: Mr Waugh Is Old Enough Now To Be Told
that not everyone numbers the command - ments in the same way that he does. He is obviously the victim of an over-sheltered Catholic upbringing. Catholics reckon the......
Mutile De Guerre?
Sir: Mere words cannot adequately express my outrage at your cover dated 12 February. Contrary to your unsavoury sug- gestion, it is abundantly clear what this gallant Frenchman......
Calling His Bluff
Sir: I am deeply honoured that Patrick Marnham should have woven his last Postscript column round me and my doings (12 February) but a little surprised that he should take such......