19 JANUARY 1850, page 2

The Spanish Parliament Is Undergoing A Financial Crisis,...

any other country would lead to a Ministerial if not to a national crisis; and even Madrid is not yet " out of the wood." The Fi- nance Minister has produced his budget, and has......

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The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress gave a dinner at the Mansion- house, on Tueaday, to about seventy guests, including two of the City Members, Lord John Russell and Mr.......

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THE Queen and Prince Albert have driven daily to Frogmore, sometimes taking their elder children ; and Prince Albert has enjoyed his favourite diversion of skating on the......

In France, The Position Of The President And His Government

is becoming very complicated ; and the complication is not diminished by the pretensions which are set up on his behalf. These appear in the NapoMon, a journal edited by M.......