Sir: One Of The More Attractive Incidents In Rayner...
fictionalised chapter of autobiography Saturnine was when the hero coughed up a worm. Mr Heppenstall has now done it again (Letters, 12 January) in response to my challenge......
Thomson's Times
Sir: Whilst appreciating that almost any editor of The Times will please Mr Churchill (12 January) better than Sir William Haley, how can he possibly claim that it is 'a better......
What Is Pornography ?
Sir: I am only an uneducated old soldier with no training in logic or theology, so I honestly seek enlightenment regarding Mr P. E. Mallon's letter in your issue of 5 January in......
Small World
Sir: Mr Joe Chapman's article (1 December) is a strange hotch-potch of generalisation, exaggeration and lack of logic. Mr Chapman's thesis seems to be that there will be no......
Echo De Paris
Sir: We are sorry if our criticisms of his article (Letters, 5 January) should have upset poor Mr Heppenstall, who dismisses them in his letter (12 January) as 'childish......
Bud Muddle
Sir:The tiger carrying the young lady of Riga, mentioned by Mr Auberon Waugh (12 January), was created not by Edward-Lear but anonymously, and was portrayed by H. M. Bateman in......