19 JANUARY 1980, page 17

Dates And Decisions

Dates and decisions Sir: Although he writes regularly from the anonymity of his home address in St Albans, David M. Jacobs is a professional Zionist propagandist (he used to be......

Offshore Criticism

Offshore criticism Sir: I have been plagued for some time by an unhappy feeling that the critics were writing less and less for the common reader. Review after review reads as......

Don't Drinka Pinta

Don't drinka pinta Sir: In Patrick Marnham's 'Postscript' (5 January) he digs up a very old chestnut indeed in an attempt to justify the slaughter of farm animals for food. The......

Staff And Subsidies

Staff and subsidies Sir: I hesitate to pick on one or two relatively minor points in Rodney Milnes's wise and interesting thoughts on 'An eventful decade' (5 January). However,......

The First Pope

The first Pope Sir: Mr Wilfred De'Ath writes (22-29 December): 'Peter, who did the same - betrayed Christ in his words - . . repented, went on to become a follower, and ended up......