19 JULY 1975, page 5

Market Matters

Sir: Mr McCall (Spectator Letters, July 5) should be made to !Realise that the reason why so little is‘fieard about the ."cultural and social aspects of our common market......

Sir: As A Democrat (as Well As A Socialist) I

would endorse Mr J. G. Hill's letter (July 12) concerning European union. Perhaps you would allow me to further his comments by pointing out that an opinion poll recently......


S iThThilfr - v - illich you Published in Your last issue was addressed to you Personally as Editor, and marked 'Personal'. I greatly regret the breach of c onfidence, which......

'capitalism And Education

Sir: Further to various comments on 'Free Enterprise Week' I would like to Point out that as with many problems in our society the basic cause is 'e ducation, or the lack of it.......

Fear And Love

From Miss Rachel Tingle Sir: Martin Sullivan is right in saying that fear and love are constantly rattled round in religious vocabularies, but he fails to make clear the......

Show Business

Sir: Arthur Askey recounts that in his young days he was rehearsing a turn with George Robey, who kept saying, "that joke doesn't suit you", and using it himself. By the end of......

'having A Go

Sir: Inflation has now been with us a Jong . time. Too long. It began at first gradually like the turning of the tide. Now the tide is nearly full. Unlike the sea, it is not......

Pronunciation ,

Sir: Can you settle disagreement among some chums of mine about the name of your paper? Honor B. and Bill G. call it The Spectator. But Brian C. calls it The Spectator (as, come......

Our Dear Friends, Mr Connell And Mr Adler, Are A

little slapdash with their pronunciation. The accent should be on the second syllable, rather like saying "The greater". Editor, The Spectator......