19 JULY 1986, page 33
Old Eton Faces Like Twinkletoes
Michael De-la-Noy SLOW ON THE FEATHER FURTHER AUTOBIOGRAPHY: 1938-1959 by Wilfrid Blunt Michael Russell, f12.95 A sked very shortly before he died if he had any regrets, John......
Sniffers And Snuffers
Cressida Connolly SATYRDAY by Duncan Fallowell Macmillan, f9.95 T his novel would make a good film. It has a large cast, a brisk pace and, like a Spielberg movie, a wildly......
A Grimm And Ghastly Tale
Brian Martin THE ABBEY IN THE WOOD by Antony Lambton Quartet, f9.95 T his book is for those who like fairy tales. It is a folk-tale, a latterday Marchen, written just the day......