19 JULY 1997, page 24

Stinking Rich

Sir: It was heartening to read Joanna Ritchie's letter (12 July) complaining about David Fingleton's account of his lavish din- ners in Paris. However, I fear that she lets you......

Sir: I Heartily Agree With Paul Johnson's View Expressed In

'The new barons ruling Britain' (5 July). The country has indeed been done a disservice by the gross flailing of Jonathan Aitken. I'm reminded yet again of the relentless,......


No redress Sir: The allegation that Ian Greer acted as a conduit for bribes from Mr Al Fayed to Messrs Neil Hamilton and Tim Smith to get them to ask questions in Parliament......

Sir: I Do Not Believe Mr Jonathan Aitken And His

wife and daughter knowingly swore false affidavits about the payment of his bill at the Paris Ritz. It is easy for busy people to get into a muddle about travelling and the......

Sir: You Already Have Two Jokers In Your Pack Of

regular contributors, which was just as much as I could stomach. When Pere- grine Worsthome joined you, I thought I could not stand another one. However, I was agreeably......

Sir: Poor Paul Johnson! How Is He Going To Reconcile

his vehement contempt for Mr Al Fayed with his spaniel-like devotion to Princess Diana now that the two of them have gone off on holiday together? Richard Tracey Le Grand Osier,......