The Real Japan. By Henry Norman. (t. Fisher Trnwin.)— This
is a remarkable book, which appears not inopportunely in the wake of Sir Edwin Arnold's "Lands and Seas." This it supplements, and, it would not be too much to say, corrects. It......
Bobby : A Christmas - Eve Story. By " Vesper." (sampson...
Co.)—Bobby is the pathetic story of a great-grandmother's twin-sister's romance, told to a great-granddaughter. It is prettily told, and the scene is cast in the days of the......
Anecdotes Of The Habits And Instincts Of Birds, Reptiles,...
7ieh4. By Mrs. R Lee. (Griffith, Ferran, and Co.)—There is a very miscellaneous collection of anecdotes of all sorts, and from all sources, in this volume by Mrs. Lee. We have......
The Official Year - Book Of The Church Of England, 1892....
—There can be no doubt that this is a striking record of work. Could we compare it with a corresponding set of figures and facts for the year 1792, we should doubtless find an......
The Jolly Roger. By Hume Nisbet. (digby, Long, And Co.)—
Mr. Nisbet has not been altogether successful in his attempt to impart a sense of reality to his story of "sea heroes and pirates" in the reign of James I. There is plenty of......
Otto The Knight, And Other Trans - Mississippi Stories....
(Cassell and Co.)—The art of writing short stories is carried to great perfection by our American cousins, and the volume of ten stories now before us is a ease in point. There......
Cy Ross. By " Mellen Cole." (gay And Bird.)—" Cy" Ross
is a really admirable portrait of what are a fast-vanishing class, the "old-timers" of the Far West. The marvellous instinct of the old miner—almost Indian in its......
The Fatal Request. By A. L. Harris. (f. Warne And
Co.)—The plot of the story is a well-conceived one, and begins well, and the subsequent mystery and horror that envelop it are well kept up, nor does the interest flag till the......