Sir: It came as something of a shock to this American to read an article by Nicholas von Hoffman (`Old American bones', 12 March) with which I could not quarrel on any score. I......
Proud Wet
Sir: Colin Welch in his review of Sir Ian G ilmour's Britain Can Work (12 March) is most tiresome in repeating the absurd fa llacy that the only way to provide new r esources is......
Tribalism Sir: I don't think it will do for Richard West (12 March) to project the tribal con- flict in Zimbabwe as a product of the geographic conditions of the civil war.......
Number One Son
Sir: John Derbyshire spoiled an excellent piece (12 March) on North Korea by sug- gesting that Kim Jong-il's real identity might be unknown in the DPRK. He forgot the stamp on......
Restrictive Practice
Sir: Simon Courtauld (Notebook, 12 March) rightly laments the failure of governments which appoint Royal Commis- sions and then ignore the outcome. The British Legal Association......
Dynamic Glasgow
Sir: It was only predictable that Gavin Stamp, when writing about Glasgow (5 March), would reject the true character of this most dynamic of British cities, whose name has, over......