[to The Editor Op The "spectator:] Sir, —mixing As I Do
daily with two to three thousand business men on 'Change, the miserable education controversy comes up for talk in our quieter hours. If one can gauge their views, it is, I......
Simple Bible Teaching.
[To THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—May I say a word with reference to your note on Mr. Lathbury's letter in your last issue ? You say you wish to see "simple Bible......
The Education Bill.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPROTATOR.1 SIR,—There are three critical periods in the national life of England. In the first the Church is the sole educator. It is not too much to......
[to Viz Editor Op Tile "spectator."] Sir,—in Your Issue Of
April 28th, p. 657, you challenge any once who objects to the " moral monster," undenominational instruction, to write to the clerk of the Education Committee of the County......
[to Tim Editor Op Tile "spectator. "] Sir,—will You Allow Me
to call attention to a section in the Education Bill which is apt to be overlooked amidst the dis- cussions on the religious question, which, vital though it is, has in the past......