19 MAY 2001, page 32

Why I Raided The Bank

From Mr Wolfgang Petritsch Sir: John Laughland's factual errors (UN tyranny in Bosnia', 5 May) wouldn't be so bad if he had put the raid I ordered on Hercegovacka Banka in its......

A Threat To Democracy

From Dr Charles Tannock, MEP Sir: Nigel Farage certainly had some fun in his article (`The Tory wimps of Strasbourg', 21 April), but, as one of the MEPs targeted by him, I hope......

Selective Morality

From Mr Roger Scruton Sir: I complained (Letters, 14 April) that the RSPCA is selective in its targets, and Peter Davies (Letters, 12 May) refers me to the fact that the RSPCA......

A Vintner's Tale

From Mr John Charles Townend Sir: I was appalled that Bruce Anderson saw fit to bring my company's reputation into disrepute in his article about my father (Politics, 5 May). He......