Mr. Moncrieff, Member For Edinburgh, Met His Constituents...
and made a speech on Reform. It was, as usual with Mr. Moncrieff, moderate, sensible, and liberal, but without originality. He thought the way in which the Reform Bill had been......
A Dinner Was Given To Father Lavelle, Parish Priest Of
Partry and Fenian sympathizer, in the Rotundo, at Dublin, on Wednes- day evening. The diners appeared to be almost avowedly sedi- tious. Instead of " The Queen " and the other......
A Sharp Controversy Has Been Going On In The Times
on the sub- ject of the medical aspects of boat races, which Mr. Skey, an -eminent surgeon, pronounces prolific of disease to the athletes en- gaged in them. Mr. Skey even calls......
Although The Dividend Payments Have Been Commenced, The...
Home Securities has been heavy, at depressed quota- tions. On Monday, Consols closed at 94 to ; on Wednesday, they were quoted at 93.1 to i; and yesterday, they left off at 931......
The Berlin Correspondent Of The Times States, On What Would
appear to be official authority, that the Emperor of the French entirely failed in his design at Salzburg. He found that the Southern Governments would not help him to resist......
We Publish In Another Column A Letter From Our Correapondent
4I A Yankee," which is valuable in its way, but seems to us made up chiefly of ipse dixits without reasons assigned. Our corre- spondent states categorically that the President......
Groves, The Man Charged With The Murder Of The Bandsman
1PDonnell, has not yet been committed for trial, and it seems still doubtful whether evidence at all adequate to convince the magis- trate can be produced. A woman's......
A Curious Experiment Seems Likely To Be Tried In New
Zealand. Mr. MacLean, the Superintendent of Hawkes' Bay, has introduced a Bill into the Lower House of Legislature to add four Maori representatives to the Chamber, to be chosen......
The Closing Prices Of The Leading Foreign Securities...
on Friday week are subjoined :— Mexican Friday, Oct. 11. • ■• Friday, Oct. 18. 111 Spanish Passives 191 181 Do. Certificates 161 • • 181 Turkish 6 per Cents., 1858 .. 59/ 60......
Great Eastern . • Great Northern
• • Friday, Oct. 11. 021 • .. 110 ,. Friday, Oct. 82 110 Great Western.. .. 471 • • 461 Lancashire and Yorkshire .. •• • •• 1271 1::61 London and Brighton .. .4 54 „ 531......